What would Ruth Bader Ginsburg do?
We are 30+ mothers living in or near La Crosse County, in the state of Wisconsin, who are willing to share our names and stories, so that local and distant communities may benefit from addressing antiquated practice that blames mothers and children for alleging abuse, rather than prioritizing the feelings of the men and fathers who have assaulted, belittled, controlled, and intimidated us in our homes and public court rooms.
Please be respectful. We have already faced retribution for speaking as survivors, and we expect to face more. We cannot let our fear of further discrimination and bias silence us at the expense of further families who are still trapped in the systems of poor practice that have already trampled us. Please help us minimize the effects of our truth to power on all families.
We are, publicly and initially, Beth Mattson Weyl, Kris Hanson, and Elizabeth Cline, with more moms anonymous behind us, for fear of retaliation.
Our children have been forcibly reunited with the men who have abused us and our children, and we mothers and children have been blamed for our telling the truth when it is unpleasant, anxiety symptoms, post traumatic stress disorders, medical diagnoses, special education needs, and the financial burdens placed on us by our abusers. This has been perpetrated by the county and state despite the consistent opinions of doctors, teachers, psychologists, and other family professionals with more familiarity, credentials, and experience than the county hires responsible. Please help us address the systemic bias and discrimination against survivors of abuse.